Train at home OR in the gym

CIMSPA Level 4
Fully insured level 4 instructor with ​CIMSPA (the Registration of Exercise Professionals)

M.Sc, B.Sc.(Hons) Degree in Sports Science
Held since 2000 ​  Incorporating:  The Power Athlete  The Endurance Athlete  Physiology of Exercise  Sport in Extreme Environments

M.Sc degree in Strength and Conditioning; held since 2020

Advanced research methods, applied research techniques and final dissertation, SEP "the readying of an Athlete for an ultra marathon

Cardiac Rehabilitation Certificate
with the BACPR (British Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation) since 2005 (and member of the organisation) ​ First Aid Certificate  Defribulator Trained  GP Referrals Certificate.

P.S.I Instructor
Posterial Stability Instructor with Later Life Training 

Working With The Disabled Certificate

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
With the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) Since 2005 (and member of organisation)